Safefood 360°

An Integrated Software Solution Designed For Your Food Safety And Supplier Quality Management Needs

Safefood 360°, built by a group of food safety experts in 2010, is designed to tackle the real difficulties facing food-related industries by combining Food Safety Management and Supplier Quality Management Solutions with over 35 pre-set modules – creating a fast, secure, and audit-ready working environment.

Software is built bespoke to the requirements of food manufacturers and compliant with all major legal and retailer technical standards globally.

Areas Covered:

  • ISO 9001:2015,
  • ISO 14001:2015,
  • ISO 45001:2018,
  • ISO 22000:2018,
  • ISO 17025:2017,
  • ISO 22002-1:2009,
  • ISO 22002-4:2013
  • ISO 22002-6:2016,
  • NTA 8059:2016

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